Thursday, October 27, 2005

My Boy

(Not the best picture, but the only one I have right now)

Get it the title? Instead of My Girl? Never mind...

Anyways, this post is dedicated to my favorite inanimate object that I have. My car, Melvin. He's a '95 red Dodge Neon, and one of the closest things to my heart. We have a special relationship. Melvin can always tell when I'm having a bad day or am in a bad mood. He's the best listener ever. He listens to my long, drawn-out stories and never tells me I'm adding too many unnecessary details. He lets me cry and yell and scream at absolutely nothing. He's also the best secret-keeper I've ever met. He also, bless his heart, listens to me singing at the TOP of my lungs and doesn't even mind when I'm off-key. And if that's not a friend, I don't know what is!

Sure, he's not the most dependable car in the world. His speedometer quits working whenever he feels like it, his transmission has been replaced a couple times, and he sometimes... just stops running. But sometimes in relationships, you have to look past the flaws to see the real beauty.

I just give him a little rub on the dashboard and speak some encouraging words to him. That usually helps. I often start talking to him as soon as I see him when I come out of school, walking towards him. We greet eachother joyfully and he tells me about the mean SUV that parked next to him and I tell him about my dreadful Spanish class.

Melvin and I have been together for close to 2 1/2 years and our relationship gets deeper each day. I dread the day when we might have to part... but we try not to think about that. We just keep on rolling down this road of life togther.


Blogger sarah said...

Wow you really make me laugh. Too bad I'm sitting in the library. I couldn't guffaw. (I just think that's a great word.)

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois! Whooooo! Melvin! Natalie! Illinois! YESSSSS!!!

I love the pic. Nice face! Nice bucolic background.

11:31 PM  
Blogger Luke said...

You didn't make me laugh. I found it rather touching. Sometimes I take friendships for granted. Sometimes I need to be a better listener and not get annoyed by too many details.

10:15 AM  
Blogger taryn said...

This post actually reminded me of me and my relationship with my car. I have been with him for 3 years, now. If you have been reading my blog, you will see a recent picture of him- he, um, got hit last week. But looks don't matter, right? It's never been about that with my car, trust me. He is actually the most unique-looking car around, he has a lot of character.

Wow, look, you've got me going! I think your car should meet my car. They could be friends.


11:28 PM  
Blogger megs said...

aww melvin! i LOVE melvin! he's pretty much the coolest. i kinda which i had a car like melvin, but see the thing is, i move through different cars so fast, if you WERE to think of them as boys i'd be a hooker! ooo BAD THOUGHT!! BAD MEGAN! well, i hope melvin is having fun right now and later he's gonna be telling you ALL about the coolest white oldsmobile anyone will ever meet! :D

WV- ocyln- kinda like jacyln

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a good picture! Compliments to the photographer...

10:42 AM  

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