-darting eyes-
So... school starts on Thursday. Yes, Thursday. Way before anybody else. Heartland rocks. So this is kinda like my last night of freedom. And, I'm at home with my family. Which is alright, they make me smile and I can wear pajamas all night. Tomorrow I'm going to Roanoke to be with Angie. We're going to swim in her aunt and uncle's pool. All these sentences are choppy.
Do you ever feel like you have so much to say but not the words to say them? Or like all you need to do is sit and talk with someone and not be interrupted but just pour out a million different words, hoping they make sense? I feel like I've been having so many new experiences with some of my relationships with friends and co-workers. I've been learning and experiencing things at work that I've never been exposed to before that I'd like to talk about. And God has been doing some crazy things lately in my life and in the lives of people around me and I just need to... talk about it all!
But it would be one of those conversations that wouldn't make any sense and would be extremely boring. Because it would mostly be myself rambling about nothing. Which can get pretty dangerous. Seriously, falling boulders and freak storms.
My mom comes in pretty handy when it comes to these kinds of conversations. Sometimes we just lay up on her bed or the couches and talk for an hour or two. She has become my best friend who knows me better than anbody. It's pretty cool because I used to be scared to tell her anything. But that's when I didn't want her to know what was going on in my life. I finally realized she doesn't have to be an enemy and she was young once too. And if you're a Christian, you know, there's nobody else better to go to than to Jesus. And I do. I tell Him everything as well. But ya know how you just need somebody physically there? I guess the next best thing is somebody who reflects His image, which is what my mom does.
So about that whole 'I tend to ramble' thing... heh.
Anywayz, don't think that I'm trying to sound depressing. All is well, I just needed a new post and thought I'd type some stuff that was on my mind. This wasn't meant to be a downer post. :) Hope you're all having beautiful days.
God Bless ya'll
Do you ever feel like you have so much to say but not the words to say them? Or like all you need to do is sit and talk with someone and not be interrupted but just pour out a million different words, hoping they make sense? I feel like I've been having so many new experiences with some of my relationships with friends and co-workers. I've been learning and experiencing things at work that I've never been exposed to before that I'd like to talk about. And God has been doing some crazy things lately in my life and in the lives of people around me and I just need to... talk about it all!
But it would be one of those conversations that wouldn't make any sense and would be extremely boring. Because it would mostly be myself rambling about nothing. Which can get pretty dangerous. Seriously, falling boulders and freak storms.
My mom comes in pretty handy when it comes to these kinds of conversations. Sometimes we just lay up on her bed or the couches and talk for an hour or two. She has become my best friend who knows me better than anbody. It's pretty cool because I used to be scared to tell her anything. But that's when I didn't want her to know what was going on in my life. I finally realized she doesn't have to be an enemy and she was young once too. And if you're a Christian, you know, there's nobody else better to go to than to Jesus. And I do. I tell Him everything as well. But ya know how you just need somebody physically there? I guess the next best thing is somebody who reflects His image, which is what my mom does.
So about that whole 'I tend to ramble' thing... heh.
Anywayz, don't think that I'm trying to sound depressing. All is well, I just needed a new post and thought I'd type some stuff that was on my mind. This wasn't meant to be a downer post. :) Hope you're all having beautiful days.
God Bless ya'll
Wow, do I hear you. I came in from being with my lil' bro tonight and was so burdened with different stuff. I went into my folks' room (where they were trying to sleep) and vented for a while. Loudly. :) They're pretty cool.
i understand completely...
It's okay to ramble. I understand ramblings. I loveth you.
i know exactly what you mean. the mouth just can't keep up with the brain.
Hi Im Cody Maher. I know just what you mean Natalie Nicole=) You're SPECIAL.....=)
Um, you can ramble to me anytime, you know? I so appreciated our day yesterday. As we've said before, we have one of those relationships that you can just pick up whenever you need to...even if we haven't seen eachother for awhile. Yesterday was such a good day for me and I'm glad you trust me enough to be your friend and share yourself with me. I love you so much!
hey, remember when i came and woke YOU up and we talked on the couches for a few hours?? yeah good times. just remember, i'm still praying for you and anytime you wanna talk again you just gimme a ring. i have couches at MY house we can use next time. I LOVE YOU DEAR!!
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